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Ambassadors of values in Maliqi Group

- maliqigroup
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One of the many initiatives in the Maliqi Group during this period is to promote, practice and build the new organizational culture and the values that the Maliqi County cherishes and expects the employees to soon begin to live in all aspects of the operation.
We believe that all organizations are based on a certain value system and that any successful and strong corporate culture is based on strong company values.
All these factors have an impact on the long-term and sustainable development of a company.
The values we recognize and want to work on are transparency, trust, innovation and integrity, but this is only part of the values we work on and promote.
The key corporate values according to which we expect all employees to behave in their daily work are:
– Building a partnership
– Top quality delivery
– Inspiring progress
– Inspirational leadership
We know that the process of revitalizing new corporate values by all employees is long, but considering our value as a Corporation, our focus is through continuous diverse activities to make this process successful. Although it largely depends on the highest Leadership Team, we are still aware that the most successful stories come with the input and involvement of employees from all leadership levels.
That is why we involved all the superiors in the Maliqi Group to nominate their employees who are real examples of correct behavior according to our corporate values.
Over the past 3 months, several colleagues were recognized, who as professionals took a step further than the rest in promoting some of these values. Their efforts were recognized and we hope that they will now be even more motivated with their work practices to inspire other colleagues. That’s how we got the first Ambassadors of Values at the level of the Corporation.
An additional workshop was held for them last week, with which, in addition to the recognition from the Board of Directors, they also received new practical knowledge on how to convey their corporate behavior to others.
We believe that with their positive energy and influence on the rest of our colleagues, we will achieve our goal faster and make the working atmosphere in the Maliqi Group even better for each one of us.

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