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The employees of Gemak with the help of the Foundation Enver Maliqi are organizing an eco-action for planting trees in the SOS Children’s Village

- maliqigroup
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The employees of Gemak with the help of the Foundation Enver Maliqi are organizing an eco-action for planting trees in the SOS Children’s Village together with the children of the village.
The sun, beautiful energy, love and care and the hard work of gardening children helped to plant 60 trees and a Pelargonium.
The action ends with a party, a small picnic, jokes, laughter and recognition for the children’s , mothers and educators from the village.
Well done to the Enver Maliqi Foundation for this beautiful event and through the planting of the tree, a conveyed the message that children are our source of life.
“No child should grow up alone”.