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Samir Maliqi, director of cooperation with the principals of the Maliqi group, in an interview in the latest specialized publication “Ekonomija i Biznis”

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Samir Maliqi, director of cooperation with the principals of the Maliqi group, in an interview in the latest specialized publication “Ekonomija i Biznis”, announced the company’s huge investment news. There is an assembly for expanding the business, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages on the Albanian market.
To our great satisfaction, one of the largest multinational companies in the world, and our long-time partner-principal Diageo, offered Gemak to expand its business in Albania.
What Gemak is to Macedonia to Diageo, Gekos is to Kosovo and Agmam Group is to Albania.
All these companies work under the umbrella of the Maliqi group.
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