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If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

Имаме чест да го објавиме интервјуто на Резарта Малиќи Сали, една од сопствениците и член на бордот директори на Малиќи групацијата, во престижниот магазин Економија и Бизнис.

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Top 40 Leadership team of Maliqi Group had a very effective 2-day workshop on corporate culture and employee engagement in Ohrid. Photo Gallery

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Со задоволство, го најавуваме нашиот нов бизнис, станува збор за инвестициски проект SAN LORENZO VILLAGE.

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During the Easter holidays and the Iftar fasting, the “Enver Maliqi” Foundation donated food to citizens at social risk in the municipalities of Centar and Chair. The joy of sharing, especially on the holidays, is excellent with all those employed in the Maliqi group. Twenty volunteers from the Four restaurant, Gemak, Parkland Hospitality Group, and..

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