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Maliqi Group becomes a holding company with 10 companies that inspire progress, leadership and entrepreneurship

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Ten companies of the Maliqi family, from the Macedonian and Kosovo market, are becoming part of the “Maliqi Group”, with a development plan, unique operation, digitalization and vision of the owners and the team.
– It’s our honor and responsibility, today, with my family to introduce you to the plans and concrete proposals for the engagements in our Holding Company, which was left to us as a bequest by a great man – our father Enver Maliqi. He taught us how to run a business, and at the same time to appreciate every moment spent with the loved ones, regardless of whether they are our friends or business associates, said Alban Maliqi, director and member of the board of directors, presenting the plans to his associates , eminent guests, politicians and diplomats.
The group consists of companies operating in the region in the fields of distribution, real estate and hospitality. In fact, these are the companies: Gemak, Gekos, Maliqi Construction with foreign investments in Rajana Engeneering, Hindenburg Germany, Gemak Telecommunication Services, Internet, Vala distributor, Parklend, Immoreks, Cactus construction.
Altin Maliqi, another owner of the company and a member of the board of directors, says that so far these companies, from different sectors of business, distribution, real estate and catering, have functioned as separate legal entities. But now, as part of this Group, they will coordinate with each other in order to pursue new opportunities for progressive growth of companies.
– In this way we are already creating innovative business plans, which until now could not be realized by themselves, but as a Group will win new market opportunities and work projects – Altin Maliqi added.
A very important segment of this networking of companies will be the digitalization, which will improve the operational work at all levels and, not only will it improve the functionality of each of the companies individually, but also at Group level.
“Maliqi Group” adds that they have already hired the consulting company, Price Water Cooper, which is legally and organizationally restructuring the companies. However, experts in the field of human resources and of course new management forces have been hired, which together with the existing ones will help in this process. They will optimize all aspects of operations and introduce standards that will enable growth and development. They say that they will optimize all aspects of the operation and will introduce world standards, which will enable growth and development.
– We inspire progress, leadership and entrepreneurship. I want to thank the support of the whole team, of the 400 employees, a team with which together, during the pandemic with Covid-19, in two extremely difficult years, we tried to deliver everything we had planned. Transparent operation has enabled us to realize annual turnover of 100 million euros last year alone, says Rezearta Maliqi Saliu, director and member of the board of directors of the new Holding.
Enver Maliqi’s family also founded a Foundation that will bear the name of this great man, humanist, professional, dedicated father and husband, visionary, philanthropist, successful businessman, comrade and friend. The Foundation will support projects in the field of education, culture and environment, in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture at the “Ss’ Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and the Faculty of Architecture in Pristina will award five scholarships to the best students in the academic year. Additionally, support was agreed for the Philharmonic of the RNM.
– The “Enver Maliqi” Foundation will lend a hand to every individual, artist, institution, association, who want to make a change in certain areas of life, in the country and in neighboring Kosovo. We will map necessary projects that will be of benefit to the community. We would also like to promote values for respecting nature and mitigating climate change. Individual responsibility is needed for the benefit of the whole society, said Mevljude Maliqi, wife of Enver Maliqi and president of the Foundation.
The promotion of the Holding was held on 15.12.2021 in the Philharmonic of the RNM, which was attended by many associates, eminent guests, politicians and diplomats, and the event promoted the documentary in honor of Enver Maliqi, the founder of the 10 companies, about his life and deeds.
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