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Altin Maliqi with President of the State Stevo Pendarovski at the event “Club of Responsible Businesses”

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Mr. Altin Maliqi, one of the owners and member of the board of directors of Maliqi Group, was part of the event “Club of Responsible Businesses” which was held under the auspices of the President of the State Mr. Stevo Pendarovski, and was renewed as part of the USAID project, “Partnerships for Donation”.
Maliqi Group is one of 36 companies that have signed pledges to commit to sustainable development and adopt business practices that are distinguished by transparency, environmental awareness, inclusiveness and respect for the communities in which we work and invest.
The event was organized by Konekt in partnership with the European Centerfor Non-Profit Law, Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia, Indigo and AmCham North Macedonia Macedonia as part of the USAID North Macedonia project.